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Personalized solutions for surgeries will be routine

Altrum is part of an ongoing revolution in how surgery is delivered: converting patient scans into high-precision surgical devices and solutions for surgical planning.

We reduce surgical time, costs, risks and improve clinical outcomes.


Making complex surgeries safer and more accessible on a scale through technology, improving patients quality of life and medical-surgical performance.

In 5 years to become a reference in surgical solutions for personalized medicine.

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Where do we want to go?


Our team

Altrum is powered by a talented, passionate and ambitious team with a broad range of engineering, science and biomedical backgrounds.

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Thiago Ramalho | Head of Business

Mechanical Engineer from UFSC and Bergische Universität Wuppertal. Experience in R&D in companies in Brazil and Germany. Acted as an operations management consultant for medium to large industries.


Renir Damascene | Head of Product

Mechanical Engineer from UFSC and studying for a master's degree in the area of mechanical projects, with a focus on biomechanics, linked to the Laboratory of Biomechanical Engineering (LEBm-UFSC). Works on research projects on hip prostheses, arthroplasty records and retrieval analysis of explants. Worked in the Business Intelligence area for a multinational industry. International experiences in Canada and Czech Republic.


Victor Naggar | Head of Operations

Production Engineer by UFSC. Experiences in the consulting, retail and technology markets. He worked as a project manager and Lean specialist at the largest retail company in Santa Catarina. With 4 years of experience in supply chain management and 2 in Lean Manufacturing and in innovation projects at Siemens, Caloi and Petrobras.


Wuilker Knoner | PhD Neurosciences

Neurosurgeon at the Bonsucesso Federal Hospital, Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Fellowship in Microsurgery of Skull Base/Neurovascular at Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, USA. Fellowship in Functional Neurosurgery and Interventional Pain Management at Hospital das Clínicas, University of São Paulo - USP, São Paulo/SP. Fellowship in Spine Tumor Surgery at Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy. PhD in Neurosciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

Advisory Board

From product to strategy, our Board makes the difference in decisions. Composed of surgeons and researchers who are references in their specialties and decision makers in the health segment.

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